Brother David

Friday Evening

Tonight I played guitar before a gathering for Brother David who is at Upaya this weekend. I read his bio late last night and was surprised to read that he will be 80 years old in 2006. Here is a little quote from the bio:
After twelve years of monastic training and studies in philosophy and theology, Brother David was sent by his abbot to participate in Buddhist-Christian dialogue, for which he received Vatican approval in 1967. His Zen teachers were Hakkuun Yasutani Roshi, Soen Nakagawa Roshi, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, and Eido Shimano Roshi. He co-founded the Center for Spiritual Studies in 1968 and received the 1975 Martin Buber Award for his achievements in building bridges between religious traditions.
He still has a little bit of that lovely Austrian accent after 50 years and reminded us of a nice word in the German language: Feierabend. The end of work for the day is Feierabend, and it means to celebrate the evening.

It is always nice to play the guitar unamplified and for unsuspecting people.

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