Resignation from Princeton Medical Center ER and PH

Well the above is a letter so if you ever need a letter template to help you think out your resignation letter feel free to use the above. This resignation is a long wait. When I moved back from CA I was originally thinking that I would be the CEO of another organization in PA and when it came down to to candidates some one else and me, they received the position. This was already after a very hard move back from Wickenburg AZ where I was let go from a position that I thoroughly enjoyed. Ah the life at the Ranch was wonderful and wonderful people to work with. But I did come back to NJ broken hearted. Its been almost three years and I ironically my last week at PH will be the week I moved back to NJ. I now live in PA with a beautiful and wonderful wife. The thing that I see hear is Time and not being so drive to success Ever since my failed relationship in past with my second wife. Rejection has been very hard for me on all fronts and I have been trying to prove that I am a VP or “Very Important Person” well really Im just like everyone and in the last few years I have been less and less trying to prove what I am, ironically as I have started to be comfortable with who I am I was sought out by new employer to be who knows who I am and what I have been through. Its Gods grace and love that brings me to this point. You Never Know what is ahead and even when it looks like it all lost as long as you are breathing there is chance for change and new hope and even a new life. I look forward to serving the body of Christ in new ways at Lighthouse. Please keep in touch with me and lets talk soon. See my letter below.


                                                                        October,17 2006

Dear Mr. Kevin Sopko:

As required by my contract of employment, I hereby give you six week’s notice of my intention to leave my position as Crisis Clinician full time. My last day would be November 23 2006. I may be able to help if needed with some Per Diem work after the above date.

I have decided that it is time to move on and I have accepted a position with Lighthouse Network. This was not an easy decision and took a lot of consideration. However, I am confident that my new role as Education Director and part time private practice will help me move towards some of the goals I have for my career.

Please be assured that I will do all that I can to assist in the smooth transfer of my responsibilities before leaving.

I wish both you and Princeton House Behavioral Health every good fortune and I would like to thank you for having me as part of your team.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Victor V. Tarassov

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