Touch ( Lightly )

Its very intresting to me and a bit funn and sad that I have been playing guitar for about 25 years. However I started playing rock and heavy metal gutiar and the touch was very agressive and hard. I have come to really like the music that is called Nuvo Flamenco and world. Well I have been playing very agressively and not I have learned that its the light touch that makes the guitar sound so good and beautful. When I coulsel its when Im in a very persoanl place and tender that when I use my words very gently and light as in a gentle word touch that great things happen. Life is all in how we wind up tuching. We can tuch with a look, words, our hands and actions, and yes even music. How are you touching those in your world?


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Small Guy who would not share the row

20000 Ft High Up somewhere over CA

Las Vagas NV

Man is so loud

Kaiser Pernamente Santa Clara CA

This is where I have been most of the week

Traveling Back to NJ Lesions Learned this Week in Joy and Pain

I have been out in San Jose this week for a friend of mine that last Friday just felt a bit ill and by Sat she was told that she had a large mass and it needed to be removed with surgery. There was the possibility that there was cancer but no one knew. Well she had surgery on Tuesday and it was cancer. It has spread though the body and right now and until she heals from the surgery she cant start Kemo. This has been one of those weeks that challenges who I am. I have come to see that I am still afraid of death and have a hard time letting myself feel what I need to. Even thought I have had 20 years exp in dealing with people. It never really prepares you for what will happen when you are faced with it in your own life. There is something that only experiences can teach you and that is Living. Death and the possibly causes us to reflect on where we are in this journey. Most of us take every day for granted and don't even think how lucky we are to breath, I know I do take things for granted. Well with all of this around me and thinking all of this through. I know that I want to love people well and help them. I think that is the core of who I am, There is something very wonderful in giving of yourself. You lose your own junk to replaced by peace and joy. That is something again that you can only experience. It seems that in experience you are free to have pain and joy. You however cant control what you will feel you just do.


Berkeley Musical Instrument Exchange

Where my Flamenco Negras have come from.


New Recording Sign for Palm Recording Studio

Marin Alsop excellent conductor of Baltimore Symphony

Awsome womwn I was watching her on chanel 13 and she said it is all about perspective and the meaning that you give to your challanges, falure etc. She is talking exsatally about what we on the Mark 12.30 project have been teaching on perspective is everything, Check her and the symphony out at there web page above. Click hear to learn more. http://www.bsomusic.org/main.taf?p=3,1,2,1

New Sneakers Puma "Speed Cat"

Ordered a pair of these from Zappos this is what they say Ideal product for the motorsport enthusiast and lifestyle statement at the same time (not fireproof).


Originally uploaded by o2ma.


Apples Time Capsule

Time Capsule - 500 GB
Back up a lifetime’s worth of memories with the all-new Time Capsule, a wireless hard drive that works seamlessly with Time Machine in Mac OS X Leopard. It’s also a full-featured 802.11n Wi-Fi base station. Choose from 500GB and 1TB models.