Beging to gater Material to record

Well it looks like sping will be spinging some "New Wine" thats what the CD will be called and this is what we are all about new wine. I've been thinking about how do we heal or change and its like we cant. we are who we are but we are not doomed to never change but the chage comes from our yealiding I belive to our creator and letting Chist in us change and bring about new wine. Check out Jn 15 and the Miricle at Cana, Jesus took ordinary water continer 55 gal. (thats big) and changed the inside of the container not the outside so it was the best there ever was in wine, so said the wine steward. Wow that what I want to see in my life and those that I get the privlge to work with. New Wine. vvt.

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