Sabine AX-2000 AX-Burl Tuner

This is my new tuner for my new Flamenco Negra that was purchased last weekend.
This will replace my tuner that is in transit from CA. When I was out there my
girl frind forgot to bring the guitar to the air port. She is not ditcy, she
just cares very deeply about me and what is inmporttant to me. She was
conserned that someone might steal the guitar overnignt so she took it out of
the care and brought it in to her home. The porblem of course is that we both
got abut tw hours and she forgot to put it back in the car the next day. She
noticed it about 10 min. befor she got to the air port and that made for one
cranky guitar player. Forgive me Kat you are the best and I do know you love
me. Well this is my new tuner.

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