Relationships, disapoointments, longings, and commitment

Recienly with my new work schedule 10:00pm-8:00am I am finding it hard to stay connceted wtih my frinds and community to the point that when I had three days off I did not see any of them. It seems as thought I have a few decissions to make. 1. Keep the job and not see the frinds. 2. Address this with my frinds and see what comes of it. 3. Look for another job in the world of 9-5ish. What would you do? let me know. I am finding that I make plans with others but for what ever reason they cansel and I wish I could say that that dose not bother me but I find it diapointing becse I know I wont have any time off to see any of my frinds for some time. I long to have my good socail group of finds and staying connected with them but I am also finding that I either have unrealistic expetationx of what frinds sould do or that some of my frinds sont share the same commintment as I do. This is causeing me to reflect on what is a frind? What is normal conncetion time or time to socailize with . Is there (I know the awencer is yes) but a normal ebb and flow to seeing each other and then a periord of not seeing each other? These are some of my thought for today Jund 26 2005. I miss my good frinds. vvt

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