Clean Vic ready for Interview

Trying to look good in the Am for an interview tomarow, hopfully soon will be working day time hours and no more overnights and silly nonsence in the ER and rediqilous politics with Dr to Dr at work. Time to move on and its a movin on I will go and try to do. This is the clean and ready to go look, I have not worne clothes like this in two years and its been awhile since I have been with the land of the day people. I have been working on the overnight for alomost two years and have asked to be switched, while others where I work have been granted that request I have not so I am looking to go somewhere where I can work in the Day its time to say good by to the night and all that working in the night intales. Say a prayer for me.

1 comment:

v2or said...

The time I spent with Karl was very informative and exciting, it looks like we will continue to move forward with discussions towards working togeter.