Mobile Write -New Program for the Palm Treo 650

Using MobileWrite, it is easy to enter text and data, in to your favorite Palm OS applications, by simply writing on the screen of your handheld, instead of using the keyboard. MobileWrite gives you an option to use standard letters, Graffiti 1 or Graffiti 2 letters. Using the standard letters, capitals and lowercase letters can be written as you normally would on paper. With the ability to write words on the same screen as your application, letter writing or data entry can be done with less effort. You will be able to concentrate on your work, instead of the data entry. Supports French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Portuguese.
Letters, numbers and other symbols can be written directly on the screen of the handheld or in the Graffiti area. Does not pop up a special window for writing, can be used instead of Graffiti or Graffiti 2.
In addition to the standard characters, TAB, SPACE, BACK SPACE, RETURN and the ability to highlight and delete selected text is also available for editing longer text messages.
Write one character at a time or an entire word across the screen.
Shows alternate letters for quick corrections.
MobileWrite does not need to be trained to recognize characters.
No shifting is required for lowercase, and uppercase letters, or other symbols.
Integrates seamlessly with other Palm OS applications requiring text entry.
This version has improvement in recognition and compatibility with other applications.

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