2-3 Feet away vs 6-12 Inches away

Well I was looking a pictue of Ottmar Liebert today in his studio in Santa Fe NewMexico and I noticed that the mike placement was 2-3 feet away from him not 6-12 inces as many would have told me to do to record, Some folks a large chain of guitar shops. When really turning up the pre amp gain just a tad more and moving the mike 2-3 feet away from the guitar has made the sound of the guitar much better and the boominess has gone away (YEAH) You can learn more from pictures that some other ways like reading. Ottmar thankyou for putting your pictures on Flicker. If any one want to hear my new recording 2-3 Ft away just go to www.victortarassov.com and clike the music tab and listin to 2-3 Ft away.

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